Monday, November 19, 2007

The Silly ME!

Jodi and Aarthi tagged me to write 8 random facts about myself and Sameera has tagged me to write 7. Wat should I do.. ok I will write 9 random things about myself.

Tagging rules: 1. When tagged you must link to the person who tagged you. 2.Then post the rules before your list, and list eight random facts/habits about yourself. 3. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to eight other bloggers.

Hmmm..its quite difficult to select only 8/9 random things about me.

So here I go with 8/9 random facts about me very randomly.

1) I love my name. I was named Preetilata after the famous freedom fighter Preetilata Waddedar. She argued that many young people have already given their lives for the freedom of the motherland, now it was the time for the girls to embrace the same fate of honor.
I also share my birth month with her. To know more about Preetilata Waddadar, plz go to

Preetilata waddadar

I share my b’day with Kaviguru Rabindra Nath Thakur. Each n every word will fail to describe him. He is such a legend. The greatest writer and artist ever born on this earth. The first Nobel Prize Winner of our country ( for his collections of immortal poems called GEETANJALI) and the author of our National Anthem. My day starts with listning to Rabindra sangeet and ends with reading his poems or short stories or novels.

To know more :

Rabindra Nath Thakur

I bow before both these above mention legends.

2) When I was in 10th std. My computer teacher had proposed to me but I had a crush on my tuition teacher. Atlast I hv decided to marry Shaan (the famous bollywood singer) but alas he got married within next couple of months. :(


3) Once I considered Hector of Homer’s Illiad my ideal match. (But now I know such people can only exist in books and there’s nothing called an ideal match. It is just a manupulation of our needs, desires and dreams.). Today also I am awed by him. I do have a soft corner for tragic characters like Hector of Illiad and Karan of Mahabharata and Charles Dicken’s David Copperfield.

Hector(Eric Bana) from the movie Troy


4) I have dated:
In high school ------- Science
In college ----------- Arts
And now --------- Commerce

But at the end I have fallen in love with Poetry and Painting ( my childhood Sweethearts)
[HMMM..thus in a single sentence I can describe myself as "jack of all trades but master of none"]


5) I am crazy about nature and colors and at the same time black n white also fascinates me a lot.
I cannot resist myself from picking up fallen leaves and flowers. I think Peepal Leaves are the most beautiful leaves and painting on them gives a new colorful dimension to my multidimensional life.


6) As I don’t own a camera and not even a camera mobile phone so I am deprived of clicking picks. But still I guess I can be a good photographer if I have one. [so anybody out there planning to gift me a cam ?? ;) ]. Jokes apart I seriously do want a good cam. I wish I can buy one soon.

I took this photograph few months back from a frenz cam. How is it..?


7) When I was in high school, a rumour was spread that this time there will be a snowfall in Delhi. As obvious everybody laughed at it and ignored it. But I actually believed in that silly rumour and waited for the snowfall very desperately and excitedly.
Ahem!…ahem!…. I know I am an idiot !!!
But till date my fingers are crossed and will be crossed till God knows what time.
Who knows when God will listen to me! If there can be a snowfall in Sahara Desert then why not in New Delhi!! May be one fine day….. :D
( I guess now u guys can imagine how much I love snow. I almost became half crazy and half lunatic when I was in Kashmeer last to last year)


8) I do have a very bad habit of doodling and scribling everywhere. My notebooks are full of doodle drawings plus silly but cute scribbles. And every day my maa scolds me after discovering new doodles on my washed bed sheets and jeans. [When I was a kid the walls of my home were full of doodles and scribbles.] :P


9) I love my eyes and through them I want to explore the beautiful world as much as possible. Even after my death I don’t want them to be closed. So I’hv decided to donate my eyes. No this is not a fake decision at all or not even to impress anybody but this is something I have decided to do honestly.


Now as per rule i will tag,









Compassion Unlimited
